Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Now What??

Today I'm struggling with a very important decision. I'm not sure what God want me to do and I am so in need of direction that I don't even know where to turn to find it. Some of my close friends have already heard about it, but if you don't know just pray that God would make his will in my life obvious to me. It seems lately that just when I think everything is going to be okay, and I feel like my life couldn't be better, something bad happens. I'm not sure what God is trying to teach me through all of this, but i wish i was a quicker learner cause the learning process sure hurts alot...

Friday, September 14, 2007

You Give And You Take Away

If I look at the past week and a half it seems like I should be completely messed up, it’s been terrible. My car broke so now I have to buy a new one, my girlfriend broke up with me, the atm ate my credit card so I can’t cash my check, and since I don’t have a car I can’t go anywhere except work. But for some reason God has given me the strength I need to sort things out, it hasn’t been easy and I hope this next week will be better, but God works in mysterious ways and I don’t try to figure it out sometimes. A pastor I heard one time gave this illustration for people who are going through hard times:
There are spiritual highs and lows just like there are geographic highs and lows. Getting on a mountaintop is so refreshing, you feel a great accomplishment in it that you have climbed so high, you feel refreshed because of the crisp air; you stand amazed at the beauty of what is around you. But then you realize that while this feels so wonderful and life is so perfect, the only things growing are thin and weak, because the grass grows in the valley, the valley doesn’t feel good, it’s humid and there’s brush scraping you and hurting you. But look around, this is where things grow. In the same way a spiritual high can feel fantastic, but a spiritual low in your life can make you a stronger Christian. So like job in the Old Testament, I rejoice in my sufferings.

“You give and You take away. Blessed Be Your name!” -Job