Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Waste of Time

This blinking cursor deal is killing me! I read a magazine called Colide about media in the church and the different types of outreach taking place through media. I hope that one day i can be a part of something that will be written about in a magazine like this. I was reading about a church that has hired a "Internet Outreach pastor" very interesting. I believe the world is moving more and more towards using the internet as a medium of communication, news, and socializtion. I am very excited to hear about christians utilizing the internet as a medium to fellowship and to witness. Reading that article also made me want to write more on my own blog, and start reading others. However, in my experience of reading a couple of friends blogs which I have subscribed to, that the longer and more frequent the blog the less likely I am to read it, so while I'd like to write more I hesitate because I dont want to write excessively and bore people. This entry is a good example of a waste of your time.